Financial results overview for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023

In the fiscal year under review, consolidated net sales increased year-on-year, operating income increased, ordinary income, and profit attributable to owners of the parent decreased.
●Consolidated net sales totaled 198,380 million yen, an increase of 13,574 million yen (7.3%) year-on-year. Sales in the pharmaceuticals business underperformed, while the functional chemicals and safety systems businesses outperformed the previous fiscal year.
●Consolidated operating income totaled 21,505 million yen, an increase of 454 million yen (2.2%) year-on-year, outperforming the previous fiscal year in the pharmaceuticals and safety systems businesses, while underperforming in the functional chemicals industry.
●Consolidated ordinary income totaled 23,025 million yen, a decrease of 128 million yen (0.6%) year-on-year.
●Profit attributable to owners of parent was 14,984 million yen, a decrease of 2,196 million yen (12.8%) year-on-year, owing to recognition of an impairment loss on property, plant, and equipment.
Per Share Data
(yen) 2014/03 2015/03 2016/03 2017/03 2018/03 2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03
Net income per share 92.25 86.38 96.09 90.23 89.45 85.77 74.25 73.62 101.70 89.36
Net assets per share 918.35 1,030.16 1,075.56 1,120.74 1,203.23 1,247.75 1,225.71 1,332.06 1,459.06 -
Dividend per share 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 45
Dividend payout ratio 27.1% 28.9% 31.2% 33.2% 33.5% 35.0% 40.4% 40.7% 39.3% 50.4%
provided by,Inc.