Consolidated Operating Results

※Japanese GAAP
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(millions of Yen)
FY2022/4Q FY2023/1Q FY2023/2Q FY2023/3Q FY2023/4Q FY2024/1Q FY2024/2Q FY2024/3Q FY2024/4Q FY2025/1Q FY2025/2Q FY2025/3Q
Net Sales 5,048 3,310 3,463 5,511 4,166 5,423 6,040 5,528 5,186 7,269 5,153 4,638
Gross Profit 4,015 2,957 2,961 4,541 3,685 3,458 3,906 4,357 4,560 5,594 4,630 4,176
Gross Profit Margin 79.5% 89.3% 85.5% 82.4% 88.5% 63.8% 64.7% 78.8% 87.9% 77.0% 89.9% 90.0%
Operating Profit 1,180 411 343 1,562 555 602 978 1,223 859 1,978 919 543
Operating Profit Margin 23.4% 12.4% 9.9% 28.3% 13.3% 11.1% 16.2% 22.1% 16.6% 27.2% 17.8% 11.7%
Ordinary Profit 1,234 520 389 1,457 554 638 983 1,206 897 2,040 787 603
Ordinary Profit Margin 24.4% 15.7% 11.2% 26.4% 13.3% 11.8% 16.3% 21.8% 17.3% 28.1% 15.3% 13.0%
Profit attributable to owners of parent 817 345 278 1,012 479 493 782 869 717 1,559 349 358
Rate of profit attributable to owners of parent 16.2% 10.4% 8.0% 18.4% 11.5% 9.1% 12.9% 15.7% 13.8% 21.4% 6.8% 7.7%
provided by,Inc.