Segment Information

※Japanese GAAP
XLS downloads
(millions of Yen)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Net Sales 13,533 12,695 14,000 16,059 17,370
Gross Profit 11,865 11,156 12,271 13,970 15,366
Gross Profit Margin 87.7% 87.9% 87.7% 87.0% 88.5%
Operating Profit 2,202 1,553 2,349 2,812 2,959
Operating Profit Margin 16.3% 12.2% 16.8% 17.5% 17.0%

Breakdown of consulting services(Net Sales・Gross Profit)

provided by,Inc.