XLS downloads
(Unit:Millions yen)
2021/03 2022/03 2023/03
Net sales 196,726 210,691 230,190
Cost of sales 113,856 125,479 144,129
Gross profit 82,870 85,212 86,060
Selling, general and administrative expenses 67,643 69,418 71,141
Operating profit 15,226 15,794 14,919
Non-operating income 601 729 719
Non-operating expenses 515 615 2,349
Recurring profit 15,312 15,907 13,289
Extraordinary income 672 700 364
Extraordinary losses 1,414 1,617 1,772
Income before income taxes and minority interests 14,570 14,990 11,882
Income taxes - current 5,247 5,936 4,991
Income taxes - deferred 350 (79) 240
Minority interests in income 157 163 185
Net income 8,815 8,969 6,465