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(M.JPY) 2014/03 2015/03 2016/03 2017/03 2018/03 2019/03 2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Segment Assets 1,793,435 1,993,143 1,956,882 1,916,781 1,859,640 1,851,888 1,804,216 1,676,063 1,516,795 1,514,070 1,552,322
Segment Asset ROA 2.75% 2.82% 3.37% 3.34% 3.88% 2.93% 2.41% 2.41% 10.36% 3.39% 3.63%
*Years ended March 31, 2013 through 2023.