XLS Downloads
(Millions of yen)
2019/09 2020/09 2021/09 2022/09 2023/09
Net sales 36,046 34,845 42,799 48,984 60,154
Cost of sales 19,679 9,882 12,608 17,552 23,295
Gross profit 16,367 24,963 30,191 31,431 36,859
Reversal of reserve for sales returns 237 561 435 - -
Provision for sales returns 561 435 539 - -
Gross profit after deducting 16,044 25,089 30,087 31,431 -
Selling, general and administrative expenses 30,465 23,869 26,197 28,193 33,261
Operating profit (loss) -14,421 1,219 3,889 3,238 3,597
Non-operating income
Interest and dividend income 12 21 15 22 19
Foreign exchange gains - 133 361 599 555
Rent income 196 16 - - -
Gain on reversal of advances received - 113 - - -
Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 50 - - - -
Gain on rights income - - - - -
Reversal of provision for litigation losses - - - - -
Compensation for damages received 56 30 13 2 3
Other income 88 279 113 69 47
Total non-operating income 404 595 504 693 626
Non-operating expenses
Interest expenses 28 0 0 0 0
Foreign exchange loss 569 - - - -
Litigation settlement - 17 - - -
Commitment fees - 17 33 6 -
Loss on valuation of advance payments - - 72 - -
Loss on cancellation of leasehold contracts - - - 96 12
Loss on retirement of non-current assets 45 70 21 35 11
Share issuance costs - - - 17 -
Equity in losses of affiliates - - - - -
Compensation expenses - - - - 11
Charge back loss - - - 7 9
Other 38 35 54 43 10
Total non-operating expenses 681 141 181 207 55
Ordinary profit (loss) -14,698 1,672 4,213 3,724 4,168
Extraordinary income - - - - -
Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates - 1,174 - - -
Gain on sale of non-current assets - - - - 11
Gain on sales of investment securities - - 87 4 -
Gain on reversal of share acquisition rights - - 1 - 3
Insurance claim income - - - 263 -
Settlement income - - - - 163
Compensation income for damage - - 158 437 -
Gain on extinguishment of debt - - - 326 -
Total extraordinary income - 1,174 246 1,032 178
Extraordinary losses - - - - -
Loss on retirement of fixed assets - - - - -
Loss on valuation of investment securities 925 174 95 25 89
Loss on impairment of fixed assets 9,128 739 84 294 1
Loss on withdrawal from stores - 23 - - -
Business structure improvement expenses - 65 - - -
Settlement expenses - - - 272 -
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts - - - 80 40
Provision for product warranties - - - - 990
Expenses related to recall - - - 149 13
Loss on fire - - - - 162
Total extraordinary losses 10,054 1,003 180 821 1,297
Profit (loss) before income taxes -24,752 1,844 4,279 3,935 3,049
Income, inhabitant and enterprise taxes 75 450 793 1,260 2,002
Income taxes-deferred 1,386 -23 -2,056 158 -661
Total income taxes 1,461 426 -1,263 1,418 1,341
Profit (loss) -26,214 1,417 5,542 2,516 1,708
Loss attributable to noncontrolling interests -6 -107 -49 -168 -275
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent -26,207 1,525 5,592 2,685 1,984
Profit (loss) for the period -26,214 1,417 5,542 2,516 1,708
Other comprehensive income (loss) - - - - -
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities -4 -19 137 -129 -65
Foreign currency translation adjustments -196 253 -160 -221 -466
Total other comprehensive income -201 234 -22 -351 -531
Comprehensive income -26,415 1,651 5,520 2,165 1,176
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent -26,408 1,759 5,569 2,334 1,452
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests -6 -107 -49 -168 -275