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(Millions of yen)
2019/09 2020/09 2021/09 2022/09 2023/09
Current assets
Cash and deposits 13,886 13,470 15,651 16,529 16,137
Notes and accounts receivable -trade 3,710 3,908 4,294 4,838 6,017
Merchandise and finished goods 6,226 7,000 8,010 9,654 10,611
Raw materials and supplies 1,559 1,896 1,817 1,414 744
Prepaid expenses 196 1,189 361 436 995
Other 4,053 1,829 1,979 1,727 1,986
Allowance for doubtful accounts -7 -1 -7 -1 -1
Total current assets 29,625 29,292 32,108 34,600 36,491
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment
Buildings and structures 1,209 918 1,163 1,062 1,080
Accumulated depreciation -744 -641 -652 -772 -770
Buildings and structures, net 465 277 510 289 309
Machinery, equipment and vehicles 123 34 36 36 96
Accumulated depreciation -123 -32 -36 -35 -42
Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net 0 1 0 1 54
Tools, furniture and fixtures 3,229 3,570 3,232 3,454 4,125
Accumulated depreciation -3,217 -3,189 -3,002 -3,057 -3,409
Tools, furniture and fixtures, net 11 380 230 397 715
Land 9,058 8,893 8,883 8,883 8,883
Construction in progress 2 273 170 186 307
Other - 18 84 97 167
Accumulated depreciation - -3 -27 -67 -102
Other, net - 14 57 30 65
Total property, plant and equipment 9,537 9,841 9,852 9,788 10,335
Intangible assets
Software 0 85 313 451 476
Goodwill - - - - -
Other 21 139 48 24 154
Total intangible assets 21 225 362 476 630
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 1,191 1,656 1,969 2,673 3,645
Deferred tax assets 7 21 2,085 1,923 2,565
Other 597 609 586 592 932
Allowance for doubtful accounts -25 -25 -25 -113 -151
Total investments and other assets 1,770 2,263 4,616 5,076 6,991
Total Non-current assets 11,330 12,329 14,831 15,341 17,958
Total assets 40,955 41,622 46,939 49,942 54,449
Current liabilities
Notes and accounts payable -trade 1,034 1,428 1,694 1,644 1,831
Accounts payable -other 2,892 2,409 2,433 1,739 2,012
Income taxes payable 167 548 598 964 1,485
Provision for bonuses 386 427 542 512 595
Provision for bonuses to directors and corporate auditors 0 0 0 1 71
Provision for point card certificates 31 41 126 - -
Provision for sales returns 561 435 539 - -
Provision for product warranties 139 167 83 450 1,618
Provision for business restructuring - 4 - - -
Provision for shareholder special benefit - - - 156 211
Provision for loss on fire - - - - 124
Other 2,825 2,101 2,211 2,808 3,380
Total current liabilities 8,039 7,564 8,230 8,279 11,330
Non-Current liabilities - - - - -
Other 1,194 589 554 377 406
Total non-Current liabilities 1,194 589 554 377 406
Total liabilities 9,233 8,153 8,784 8,656 11,737
Net assets
Shareholders' equity - - - - -
Share capital 16,610 16,610 16,615 16,772 16,778
Capital surplus 23,236 23,193 15,418 16,153 16,160
Retained earnings -8,076 -6,551 6,859 9,116 10,706
Treasury shares -0 -0 -904 -904 -889
Total shareholders' equity 31,770 33,252 37,989 41,137 42,756
Accumulated other comprehensive income - - - - -
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 66 46 184 54 -11
Foreign currency translation adjustments -218 34 -125 -346 -812
Total accumulated other comprehensive income -152 81 59 -292 -824
Share acquisition rights 4 4 3 3 0
Non-controlling interests 99 129 102 436 779
Total net assets 31,721 33,469 38,154 41,285 42,712
Total liabilities and Net assets 40,955 41,622 46,939 49,942 54,449