Consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of FYE 2025 (IFRS)

Net profit attributable
206.6billion yen ( decreased by 3.1 %
compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year )
Equity in earnings
of associates
and joint ventures
71.9billion yen ( decreased by 10.8 %
compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year )


Net profit attributable to ITOCHU

206.6billion yen ( decreased by 3.1 % compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year )

Net profit attributable to ITOCHU  Decreased by 3.1%, or 6.6 billion yen, compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to 206.6 billion yen (1,283 million U.S. dollars).

Equity in earnings of associates and joint ventures

71.9billion yen ( decreased by 10.8 % compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year )


Equity in earnings of associates and joint ventures  Decreased by 10.8%, or 8.7 billion yen, compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to 71.9 billion yen (446 million U.S. dollars).

  • Metals & Minerals Company:Decreased by 6.6 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to 7.6 billion yen (47 million U.S. dollars), due to lower earnings in Marubeni-Itochu Steel resulting from the deterioration in profitability in North American business.
  • Food Company:Decreased by 6.0 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to 3.3 billion yen (21 million U.S. dollars), due to the absence of the extraordinary gain in the same period of the previous fiscal year, partially offset by the improvement in earnings of a North American meat-products-related company.
  • General Products & Realty Company:Deteriorated by 2.7 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to a loss of 1.3 billion yen (8 million U.S. dollars), due to lower earnings in IFL (European pulp-related company) resulting from higher material costs, partially offset by higher pulp prices.
  • Others, Adjustments & Eliminations: Increased by 8.0 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year to 27.4 billion yen (170 million U.S. dollars), due to the improvement in profitability in C.P. Pokphand resulting from the recovery of pork prices and lower feed costs in Vietnam, partially offset by continued lower pork prices in China, and higher earnings in CITIC Limited resulting from the depreciation of the yen.

Net profit attributable to ITOCHU by Segment Summary of changes from the previous fiscal year

  • *As of October 1, 2022, ITOCHU dissolved the mutual-holdings for certain group companies held by The 8th Company as minority and the other Division Company as majority, and shares of such group companies are only held by the other Division Company. Accordingly, all quarterly results for FYE 2023 are reclassified in the same manner.

Textile Company

5.3 billion yen (increased by 0.6 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the stable performance in apparel-related companies.

Machinery Company

34.0 billion yen (increased by 2.4 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the stable sales in automobile-related companies, the recovery of aerospace-related transactions in a leasing-related company, and the extraordinary gain on the partial sale of an Australian infrastructure company, partially offset by the absence of favorable performance in North American electric-power-related business in the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Metals & Minerals Company

52.5 billion yen (decreased by 3.7 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Decreased due to lower earnings in Marubeni-Itochu Steel resulting from the deterioration in profitability in North American business, partially offset by the depreciation of the yen in iron ore business and the favorable sales in non-ferrous-related transactions/companies.

Energy & Chemicals Company

17.8 billion yen (decreased by 19.6 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Decreased due to the deterioration in profitability in energy trading transactions and the absence of extraordinary gains in the same period of the previous fiscal year, partially offset by the stable performance in chemical-related companies.

Food Company

19.0 billion yen (decreased by 1.8 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Decreased due to the absence of the extraordinary gain in the same period of the previous fiscal year, partially offset by expansion of transactions resulting from the recovery of consumer activity and higher sales prices in food-distribution-related companies, and the improvement in a North American meat-products-related company.

General Products & Realty Company

18.8 billion yen (increased by 1.4 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the conversion of DAIKEN into a consolidated subsidiary in the third quarter of the previous fiscal year and favorable performance in its domestic business, and higher transaction volume in domestic real estate companies, partially offset by lower earnings in IFL (European pulp-related company) resulting from higher material costs.

ICT & Financial Business Company

16.0 billion yen (increased by 1.6 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the stable performance in ITOCHU Techno-Solutions, partially offset by lower earnings in overseas retail-finance-related companies and mobile-phone-related business.

The 8th Company

10.9 billion yen (increased by 0.3 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the increase in daily sales resulting from enhancement of product appeal and sales promotion, in addition to expansion of transactions in advertising and media companies, partially offset by the increase in various costs caused by changes in external environment and execution of digital measures to strengthen business foundations in FamilyMart.

Others, Adjustments & Eliminations

32.2 billion yen (increased by 12.2 billion yen compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year)

Increased due to the improvement in profitability in C.P. Pokphand resulting from the recovery of pork prices and lower feed costs in Vietnam, partially offset by continued lower pork prices in China, and higher earnings in CITIC Limited resulting from the depreciation of the yen.

Composition (FYE 2025 Q1)

Textile Company 2.56%
Machinery Company 16.48%
Metals & Minerals Company 25.43%
Energy & Chemicals Company 8.63%
Food Company 9.20%
General Products & Realty Company 9.11%
ICT & Financial Business Company 7.73%
The 8th Company 5.26%
Others, Adjustments & Eliminations 15.60%

Financial Position as of June 30, 2024

Total assets 15,171.2billion yen ( increased by 4.7 %
compared with March 31, 2024 )
Total shareholders' equity 5,711.9billion yen ( increased by 5.3 %
compared with March 31, 2024 )
Net interest-bearing debt 2,872.0billion yen ( increased by 4.8 %
compared with March 31, 2024 )
NET DER 0.50times ( increased by -0.01 pt
compared with March 31, 2024 )

Total assets

15,171.2billion yen ( increased by 4.7 % compared with March 31, 2024 )

Total assets Increased by 4.7%, or 681.5 billion yen, compared to March 31, 2024 to 15,171.2 billion yen (94,190 million U.S. dollars), due to the increase in trade receivables resulting from the increase of trading transactions, the increase in investments accounted for by the equity method, and the depreciation of the yen.

Total shareholders' equity / Net interest-bearing debt / NET DER

Total shareholders' equity

5,711.9billion yen ( increased by 5.3 % compared with March 31, 2024 )

Total shareholders’ equity Increased by 5.3%, or 284.9 billion yen, compared to March 31, 2024 to 5,711.9 billion yen (35,462 million U.S. dollars), due to net profit attributable to ITOCHU during this fiscal year and the depreciation of the yen, partially offset by dividend payments.
Net interest-bearing debt

2,872.0billion yen ( increased by 4.8 % compared with March 31, 2024 )

Net interest-bearing debt (interest-bearing debt after deducting cash and cash equivalents and time deposits) Increased by 4.8%, or 130.4 billion yen, compared to March 31, 2024 to 2,872.0 billion yen (17,830 million U.S. dollars), due to dividend payments and the depreciation of the yen, partially offset by the stable performance in operating revenues.Interest-bearing debt increased by 3.8%, or 127.5 billion yen, compared to March 31, 2024 to 3,485.1 billion yen (21,637 million U.S. dollars).

0.50times ( increased by by -0.01 pt compared with March 31, 2024 )

Ratio of shareholders’ equity to total assets and NET DER (Net debt-to-shareholders’ equity ratio)
NET DER (net debt-to-shareholders’ equity ratio) was 0.50 times, nearly the same level compared to March 31, 2024.
provided by,Inc.